– Protégeons notre santé –
« It was better before »
How many times have I heard that …
.… and how many times did I say it too !!
Yes, I’m a nostalgic of the times before …
Of his joy, of his way of life, but NOT ONLY THAT!
Especially the quality of life in those days!
In 2015 we learned that we need, for example, to eat a whole crate of apples if we want to absorb as many vitamins as in ONE apple of the 1950s !!
Life was still more natural … fruits and vegetables that were not yet calibrated to be all the same on the shelves, less dyes and preservatives …
So you will say to me: « Another site on the natural ?? »
But why ??…
When I had 24 years old, I didn’t care about anything that was natural. For me, if it was on sale in stores, it’s bound to be good for me.
Hey! Well no !!! Not even !!!
I evolved – fortunately for me – and I discovered that in our everyday life we were polluted without counting!
If you don’t take your health in hand, it’s not our rulers and industrialists who will do it for you, they’re all wicked to win a maximum …
And, more you are sick, more you consume the medicines of these kind laboratories, which make you disappear the symptoms without seeking what has put you in this state; If they made your diseases disappear, the poor labs would no longer earn their living.
In the beginning, I wanted to share my information on how to pollute as little as possible with what we have in our closets, both on food and on household products; Practical life tips simply. Pollutants are everywhere unfortunately, and even if more and more people are concerned, it’s necessary to widely search the web to find answers. I wanted to group my info on one site.
By reading me, don’t become orthorexic *! This is not the intention.
Moreover, since I had the urge to do this blog, I discovered that my daughter was intolerant to many, but really MANY things!
After 6 months to 1 year of culinary research to satisfy his small intestines, I managed to establish balanced menu lists and recipes.
Why so much time?
Make meals (and cakes) without gluten meal, without eggs, without milk, without rice flour, without corn flour, without almonds, without hazelnuts (and many others!) Is not Simple, and it requires organization!
The gluten-free, milk-free diet also helps people with Crohn’s disease! (What is Crohn’s Disease?)
So, to help people in my case, including the overbooked moms, I figured I might be able to help them!
Go from this step to consult the pages of intolerances and allergies!
I propose to you to sort in your cupboards, to modify your practice and to realize that you poison yourself every day thanks to these nice industrialists who sell you poisons deliberately.
Take time to change these practice, don’t throw everything out the window today!
Adapt my advice to your lifestyle … and to your money …
**Orthorexia (from the Greek orthos « correct », and orexis « appetite »):
disorder of the alimentary behavior, fixation on the ingestion of a healthy food.
Health protection – natural – allergy – intolerance – no gluten – no wheat no corn- no eggs – no rice – no milk – no additives – no dyes – preservative
My natural life
Take care of yourself!
In Saint-Vallier-de-Thiey
but also elsewhere!
© Ma Vie au Naturel 2021 – Mentions légales